Friday, December 17, 2010

Behind the grey door.....

We are still waiting to hear what our options are regarding the ugly old steel door that is currently covering the entrance to l'uccello. Here are a few treasures that are behind the grey door, just ring the bell if you decide to drop in, we will come and help you with the door.
Lovely new arrivals, beautiful old velvet violets, pretty vintage stamens and ribbons.

A Christmas present to myself, this fabulous flag cushion is made from WW1 bunting, made by the ever clever and stylish Miss Pen Pen, I love love love it!

This is part of our mural on the back wall, how funny is Grumpy Cat?!

Also from our mural, old Semco sewing cards, who remembers these? I'm sure I had some once.

So cute, these patterns by Marg Low are a perfect match with our new range of pure wool felts, Janet whipped up this sample isn't she clever!

I'm so in love with these new flowers, ribbons and stamens I don't know if I can part with them, they look especially good all piled up together.

This is a Christmas present from a dear friend, it is a Japanese dolls sewing room cabinet set, it even has a tiny pin cushion, I am so spoilt.

Pretty vintage swans just arrived this week.

And so did these sweet little chaps, hummingbirds, robins and sparrows.

We hope you are all coping with the pre Christmas craziness that seems to have kicked in this week, if you need a little respite pop into l'uccello, as the sign on the door says, it's lovely inside.


  1. Merry Christmas Kim, grumpy cat brought a smile to my face....Love the flag cushion....gorgeous eye candy...Regards, Lyn

  2. Kim, I wonder if it's possible to take a bad photo in your beautiful shop. Everything looks like it's from another time, the stamens are fascinating. Have a happy Christmas, Serena xx

  3. I'm imagining a sensation at the next Melbourne Cup: a magnificent swan hat!

  4. I loved drooling(and purchasing) over your beautiful finds,display,handmade goodies,vintage decorations when I was in a few weeks back Kim.Wishing you a happy Festive season.I'll be back to visit in the New Year.
