Sorry it's been a while, we have been busy haberdashers (still) moving things around in the shop, making and sending Mother's Day orders, helping lovely customers, unpacking LOADS of new stock, deliberating about where we should be directing our energies, setting up our online store and a little daydreaming when we can fit it in.
The upshot of it all is the the store is looking lovely and full of gorgeous things, the online store is about halfway there and we have reluctantly decided with the exception Kleins Perfumery and Absinthe (new outlet for delicious Frank and Mint Linens in Albert Park) to discontinue wholesaling our range of hand made items. The store is just getting too busy to keep it all going at once and we would rather be making lots of special things for l'uccello instead. I have so many ideas percolating away and not enough time to experiment and have a bit of fun creating, sometimes you just need a bit of reset to get back on track.

Lots of lovely gifts for Mum, pretty note books hand printed in India, these lovely Vintage carnations are over 70 years old, our new favourite book Paper Bliss by Skye Rogers, full of beautiful paper based projects. Very exciting news!! Skye will be coming to l'uccello to give a workshop on projects from her gorgeous book on the 6th of June, I will post all the details by Friday. In the meantime please ring the store for all of the times etc, be quick very limited places!
Fabulous new range of bags made from vintage Indian textiles
Divine new range of flat silk embroidery threads in a great range of colours
A stunning new collection of Sophie Digard arrived today, as always the colours in the photos don't do justice to these little works of art, they are the loveliest autumnal shades including greens, blues and earthy tones, exquisite.
A huge new shipment of fascinating creative and traditional kokeshi have just been unpacked, a number of them are by master craftsmen in a very distinctive different styles,(including Princess Leah up the top)
Fun new products from TMOD, a young Australian team create these clever and whimsical paper products. They include Scratchy cards which have areas covered with the same material scratchy cards have, the recipient has the fun scratching them off to reveal hidden messages or images. Pass the parcel is perfect for your next party, each layer contains a different party hat. Finally the Snail mail paper aeroplane, a paper aeroplane to send a letter on, accepted by Australia Post in its folded shape, too cute!
The Divine Ms Melia finished her first round of classes a couple a weeks ago and all of the ladies had a ball. The great news is Robyne is keen to do more classes through the year, we are just working out when and what, I will post the details asap. The last class coincided with our 2nd birthday HAPPY BIRTHDAY to us, hip hip hooray! So we celebrated with sweeties from Brunetti and a little bit of bubbles, yum
GIVE AWAY time......
Just so you don't feel left out this huge collection of Valdani hand dyed threads, kindly given to us by the lovely Stephanie and Lindsay from Maytime to go to the first lucky person to post a comment. To enter you need to be a follower of our blog, and the question is what does l'uccello mean to you?
There will also be 4 mystery runners up prizes too, I will not post any comments until Friday so you will have to wait to see if you are a lucky winner, good luck!
Well I did warn you we had a lot to get through, but it's always fun and a such a pleasure to share all of these lovely things with you, have a great week x
PS I am trying to come to terms with Facebook, we now have a page and we have a Pinterest board as well, called luccello loves vintage. I will work out how to add all the buttons and bits to make it easier to find them......don't even start me on twitter and then there is Polyvore.... now I am going back to my hexigans!